Friday, July 26, 2013

Types of changes!

So basically in chemistry there are two types of changes; Physical and chemical. So what do these terms actually mean?

Well a physical change we are all familiar with. What happens when you heat water? You get vapour right! Again what happens when you put a cup of water in the fridge? You get ice. Thus is an example of a physical change. You can get water back by hearing ice and cooling the vapour.
So no new thing is made right its just plain water in different forms. These forms are called states of matter. There are three states of matter, solid, liquid and gas. The ice is the solid state, water is liquid state and vapour is gas.
Ok from this we can conclude that new substances are not formed in physical changes. And that is what a physical change is.
The type of change where no new substances are formed is called a physical change.

So what is a chemical change?
A chemical change is like when you cook stuff. Suppose you are cooking vegetables. You cannot get back the original vegetable after cooking. It has transformed into something new and this is a chemical change. The type of changes where new substances are formed is called a chemical change.
Look up your book for differences on physical and chemical changes.

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